Our instructors are all media professionals who 'practice what they teach'. We have no full time instructors because our instructors are working professionals who are out in the field doing what they do best .Editing, shooting, producing and creating . In this way they are always keeping up with new technologies, industry practices and trends . They then impart that same current and relevant experience to our clients during the courses that they teach. We also have instructors from overseas who run specialised masterclasses when they are available.
Instructor profiles can be found below and under their respective course listings.
Instructor List
REDucation, Editing, Colour Grading
Editing, Motion Graphics
Avid Related Courses
Motion Graphics
Camera and Lighting
Camera and Lighting
Camera and Lighting
Camera and Lighting
Camera and Lighting
Camera Movement and Stabilisation
Aerial Cinematography
Underwater Cinematography
VR / 360